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Endocrinology and Metabolism Lab of the Second Hospital of Shandong University
Establishment and Development: Endocrinology and Metabolism Lab of the Second Hospital of Shandong University was born from a shared vision and passion for diabetic neuropathy. Recognizing the need

Interventional Oncology Institute of Shandong University, The Interventional Medicine and Minimal...
Establishment and Development: The Interventional Medicine and Minimally Invasive Oncology Department of the Second Hospital of Shandong University was established in 2002. It has now formed

Establishment and Development: JDY-Lab was born from a shared vision and passion for burn wound repair and skin-tissue engineering. Recognizing the need for scarless healing of patients, our founders

Kidney Multidisciplinary Innovation Lab
Establishment and Development: Kidney Multidisciplinary Innovation Lab was born from a shared vision and passion for renal pathophysiology and immune-inflammatory pathogenesis of kidney diseases.

Translational Medical Laboratory for Neurodegenerative Diseases
Establishment and Development: Translational medical Laboratory for neurodegenerative diseases was born from a shared vision and passion for neurodegenerative diseases, relying on Shandong University

Liu Ping Research Lab
Establishment and Development: Liu Ping Research Lab has a good foundation in the research of peripheral vascular tissue lesions, atherosclerosis and vascular remodeling. The project leader has been

The 3D printing Dental Medicine Research Center of Shandong University
Establishment and Development: The 3D printing Dental Medicine Research Center of Shandong University was born from a shared vision and passion for the basic research and clinical transformation

Key Laboratory of Cardiovascular Remodeling and Function Research, Shandong University — Karolin...
Establishment and Development: Founded in 1959, the Department of Cardiology of Qilu (Cheeloo) Hospital is one of the earliest cardiovascular disciplines in China and serves as a comprehensive

4月8日,美国加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校(UC DAVIS)国际处副主任陈欣和山东大学北加州校友会秘书长、农业与环境科学学院研究员孙华伟访问齐鲁医学院,就双方医学领域的合作交流进行座谈。齐鲁医学院科研与国际交流办公室主任曹枫林、副主任汤煜春参加座谈。 座谈会上,曹枫林对UC DAVIS代表团的来访表示欢迎,并强调了齐鲁医学国际交流的发展现状和下一步两校的合作愿景和计划。孙华伟介绍了UC DAVIS

气清景明,慎终追远。4月4日上午,山东大学齐鲁医学院在趵突泉校区中心花园举行致敬无语良师活动,追思缅怀为医学教育事业发展做出无私和伟大奉献的遗体捐献者。齐鲁医学院党工委书记、齐鲁医院党委书记陈鑫带领齐鲁医学院相关职能部门负责人、医科各学院学生工作负责人、教师、辅导员、学生代表,共同缅怀为医学事业做出无私奉献的“无语良师”。 无语良师”是对遗体捐献者的尊称,他们是用自己的身体为医学、科学作出贡献

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